Tuesday 17 February 2015

Ayurveda Treatment Of Swine Flu

Your ignorance can let you to the death bed!!

This information regarding swine flu is really important for an individual to know. It includes the causes, symptoms, and treatment for swine flu. Just have a look.

Birth of Swine Flu:

Swine flu virus is spread in country having pigs as its population. Virus transmission to humans from pigs is rare and it not always let humans infected, in some cases it gives rise to antibodies in human’s blood. People who are prone to regular contact or lives in environment surrounding pigs are influenced at high risk of swine flu. The misconception should be removed that a well cooked meat will never result in any infection.

The main path of transmission of virus from infected to uninfected animals is their mutual contact and influenza is very ordinary in pigs. People who work in poultry with pigs are at greater extent to suffer from swine flu.

How you will know that you have swine flu?

According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and prevention), the symptoms in humans are similar to that of influenza illness in common. The symptoms include:

  • Body pain
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Head ache
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea
  • vomiting 
  • Respiratory problem (most common reason of death)
  • Pneumonia (leading sepsis)
  • High fever (including neurological problems)
  • Dehydration
  • Unbalanced electrolyte

How you will be safe of Swine flu??

One should always keep in mind that “Prevention is better than Cure”. Ayurvedic treatment of swine flu in India includes many such techniques 

Some of the preventive measures include:

  • Practicing of pranayama and kapalbharti will give you protection against swine flu as it will enhance the capacity of lungs to fight against virus and germs. 

  • Swine flu never spreads through meat but the main cause is you coming in contact of sneezing and coughing of infected person.
  • Consume herbal tea twice a day. This will increase your immunity power. To make herbal tea you only need to follow this steps:

  1. Prepare juice of 10-15 fresh Tulsi leaves
  2. Prepare 5 ml of ginger root juice
  3. ½ spoon cloves powder
  4. ½ spoon peppermint leaves powder
  5. ½ spoon of cardamom powder
  6. ½ spoon of turmeric powder
  7. ½ spoon of rock salt
  8. After this you only need to mix them properly and add 1 spoon of honey when the tea is warm and take in thrice or twice a day. With this your immunity will be increased along with you will increase your respiratory track efficiency and metabolic functioning of body.

How others will not get infected??

  • Use greater extent of control against influenza. 
  • You should perform frequent washing of hands with soap. 
  • Proper household cleanliness will also reduce the spread of disease. 
  • Lightening lamp of cow’s ghee and agarbatti have strong caliber to kill germs.

Some points to keep in mind:-

  • Avoid sleeping in day time
  • Avoid going out at the early morning times when there is cold wind blow and dew
  • Oil massage is beneficial to warm your body
  • Wear dry and clean cloth
  • Take proper meal
  • Avoid continuous sitting at one place for hours
  • Avoid using air conditioners.
  • Before taking meal chew a bite of ginger will help you a lot
  • Use one spoon of honey daily
  • Avoid products from dairy such as butter and curd.

So these are some useful tips you should keep in mind for the treatment of swine flu in ayurveda. It Is very much necessary to get aware about the dos and don’ts to follow to survive a healthy life. With increasing death rate it is proved that ignorance can lead you to the death bed so better go for preventive measures. Ayurvedic treatment of swine flu in India is effective and it is working to get rid of the swine flu from country. Prakashnethralaya and panchkarma Kendra provides with effective treatment of swine flu in India. For more details related to treatment of swine flu in ayurveda you can click here. www.ayurprakash.com

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